SENSE OR NONSENSE! Why You Should Not Stop Watching Porn-Pastor Explains While Preaching
Dr. Abel Damina, the well-known Nigerian pastor and founder of Abel Damina Ministries International, has offered a controversial solution to individuals struggling with pornography addiction, according to Naija News. During a recent discussion on Comfort FM’s Righteous Invasion of Truth (RIOT) program in Uyo last month, the contentious Christian leader shared his perspective on how those battling pornography addiction
can conquer it entirely. When asked for advice on overcoming pornography addiction, Damina suggested that instead of attempting to forcefully quit, individuals should persist in watching pornography while simultaneously immersing themselves in God’s teachings.
“Don’t fight to cease watching porn. Don’t struggle at all. Just continue watching porn. As you watch porn, devote more time to listening to the word. If you spend one-hour watching porn, allocate three to four hours to absorb the word of God.
“Take note. Get all my teachings on Christ. Keep learning continuously. Eventually, you’ Il notice that your craving for porn is diminishing, and your desire for the word of God is increasing. Eventually, when you encounter porn, you’ II feel repulsed. “The word of God will completely extinguish that craving and instill a healthy appetite. That’s the approach. Don’t attempt to stop. Keep watching, but invest more time in studying God’ s word, and you’ Il discover that before you know it, your inclination toward porn will vanish, “the pastor emphasized.
However, Damina’ s viewpoint has sparked opposition, particularly from conservative Christians on social media who strongly believe that the pastor is advocating sinful behavior, particularly among individuals grappling with addiction. Gideon Odoma, a prominent pastor from the Fortress Ministry, countered Damina’s stance by labeling pornography as a perversion.
“Christians have trivialized sexual misbehavior. The things God identifies as iniquities, we must never label them as indulgences, he remarked. Additionally, the clergyman, who previously criticized Damina and Apostle Suleman for favoring the Old Testament over the New Testament, asserted that both individuals are propagating erroneous teachings aimed at leading Christians astray.
“The terms used by Damina and Suleman are incorrect. It appears as though their sole purpose in life is to lead believers astray, so they have ample time on their hands, and they concoct various creative ways to convey the same worthless messages
– Your sin doesn’t matter-they
employ various methods to undermine
it, he expressed.
Addressing pornographic addiction,
another renowned clergyman, Chris
Oyakhilome, cited Habakkuk 2: 15 to
underscore that pornography is a
sinful behavior that must be abstained
He emphasized that nudity is deemed disgraceful by God, linking pornography to prostitution due to its origin in the Greek word “porneia, ” which means prostitute, “The implication is that when nudity is publicly displayed, it is shameful when you’re not a child. According to God, that is shameful.
“It commenced in the Garden of Eden
when Adam and Eve consumed the forbidden fruit. They realized they were naked and then covered
themselves with leaves and hid from God. Christians should refrain from it. Those who believe in Jesus should abstain from it, “he emphasized.