Drink RAW EGG Everyday And This Will Happen To Your Body
Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins. While most people prefer their eggs cooked, some advocate for drinking raw eggs as a way to maximize their nutritional benefits. However, this practice comes with its own set of benefits and risks. Here’ s what happens to your body when you drink raw eggs daily.
A Boost of High- Quality Protein
Raw eggs are an excellent source of high- quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. These amino acids help repair tissues, build muscle, and strengthen the immune system. Consuming a raw egg daily can provide the body with about 6 grams of easily digestible protein, making it an excellent option for athletes and fitness enthusiasts aiming for muscle growth and recovery.
Improved Eye Health
Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two powerful antioxidants that support eye health. These compounds can help reduce the risk of age- related macular degeneration and cataracts. Drinking raw eggs ensures you get these nutrients in their natural, unaltered state.
Enhanced Brain Function
Eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient crucial for brain development and function. Drinking raw eggs daily can help improve memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance. Choline also supports healthy nerve function and reduces inflammation in the brain.
Risk of Biotin Deficiency
Raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin, which binds to biotin (vitamin B7) and prevents its absorption. Over time, consuming raw eggs could lead to biotin deficiency, causing symptoms like hair loss, skin rashes, and fatigue. Cooking eggs neutralizes avidin, making biotin more bioavailable.
Potential Exposure to Salmonella
Muscle Growth and Energy Boost
The high levels of protein, fats, and micronutrients in raw eggs provide sustained energy and support muscle repair after exercise. They also help in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance, crucial for muscle growth.
While raw eggs are packed with nutrients, they also pose risks, particularly from salmonella and biotin deficiency. If you decide to incorporate raw eggs into your diet, opt for pasteurized eggs and consume them in moderation to enjoy their benefits safely.