Pastor Who Went To Funeral To Pray For The Dead Is Beaten To Death- See How It Happened
While conducting a funeral, Pastor Davidson Okirori, 39, of the Covenant Church of God in Buwenge, eastern Uganda, said that he was attacked by Muslims.
During the funeral, Pastor Okirori felt compelled to read passages from the Bible, the Koran, and the Hadith of Bukhari in order to share the love of Christ with the Muslim community. His intention was to draw attention to the uniqueness and power of Jesus’ resurrection as the Son of God while also acknowledging Muhammad’ s Islamic prophetic role.
The pastor’s actions offended a few of the Muslim mourners. Insensitive remarks were made by a young man. who claimed that Pastor Okirori was insulting Allah by reading the Quran without first doing an ablution. There was a disturbance as some Muslims yelled at him to leave, while others grabbed the microphone and tore up the Christian documents. The incident became even more tense when a few Muslim protestors started hurling stones at the pastor.
Pastor Okirori was rendered unconscious by a stone hurled during the altercation. He was struck in the mouth and then smacked across the face by a Muslim assailant.
After being overwhelmed by the Christians at the burial, the attackers were detained by them and made their way back to the nearby mosque while shouting, Allahu Akbar [God is greater], we have won, we have won.”
After being attacked, Pastor Okirori suffered injuries to his head, back, and arm. Pray for a quick recovery for him. Morning Star News has reported on numerous attacks on Christians in Uganda, including the one on Pastor Okirori.
Despite Uganda’ s legal protection of religious freedom, circumstances such as these highlight the ongoing hostilities and tensions that exist between various religious beliefs.
Muslims make up about 12% of the population, and they are mostly found in the east. A thorough inquiry into this incident is necessary, as is the prosecution of individuals involved. Protecting the rights and safety of Uganda’ s diverse religious communities requires fostering an environment of respect and understanding amongst them.