How to keep the vagina healthy and hygienic
Caring and Keeping the vagina healthy and hygienic, like getting it to smell good, douching, or using the different products for better smell is a regular talk out there and the social media is not left out.
Vaginas are unique and it’s only natural for yours to have its own peculiar scent. A healthy one is supposed to smell like a part of the human body and can smell slightly differently from one woman to another.
The exact scent can depend on what you naturally smell like at different points; during your menstrual cycle, after intercourse, during working-outs etc. How you smell can actually be a good signifier of what is going on in your vagina.
Here is the good news about your vagina: think of it like a “self cleaning oven.” As it has these bacteria that are working really hard in your body to keep them balanced.
Don’t be coerced or shamed into buying new products for your vagina in order to make it smell good because, these products can disrupt your natural PH balance.
But if the odour is overpoweringly unpleasant; could be a sign of an infection or a bacterial imbalance caused by a number of reasons such as wearing tight pants, not changing on time after a workout, or it could just be that you got some bacteria inside that does not sit well with your vagina. Get medical attention or just improve your hygiene and you’ll be fine.
This involves washing your vulva with water and unscented soap during shower. Excessive washing or chemicals can be irritating, can affect your vagina’s PH levels and could cause an infection. Always wipe front-to-back after using the toilet.
Douching, using feminine wash, vaginal lipstick, jade egg are not necessary as they do little or nothing of benefit. They are often very expensive and can disrupt the natural bacterial environment in your vagina, causing infections or irritation.
Try wearing loose-fitting, cotton underwear and change out of sweaty workout gear as soon as possible.
Change your pad/tampon every 4 to 8 hours to avoid the buildup of bacteria.
In case you need to use a condom, choose a water-based lubricant as oil-based lubricants can get damaged. And if you use sex toys, clean after every use.
Caring for your pubic hair should strictly be your decision not your spouse or anyone else’s. Also, you do not need to worry about your pubic hair for your gynecology visit or pelvic exam.
If it happens you want to choose some type of hair removal; clipping, trimming, laser-removal, or waxing are all better than shaving since shaving can lead to folliculitis, an infection of the hair follicles that looks like pimples. Razors can also host tons of bacteria.
Vaginal discharge is normal and it’s a sign of good health as it helps to maintain moisture. Except it changes, you really don’t have to worry about it.
Engage in Kegel exercises, it helps to tone the pelvic floor muscles especially if you have prolapse, leaking of urine or weakness of the pelvic floor.
Don’t be shy to talk to your doctor about concerns you have about the health of your vagina.
Day in-day out, your vagina is doing what it needs to do and it smells great!