5 Mistakes Couples Should Stop Making When Having A Fight
No relationship is perfect, even happy couples also argue. But research shows couples who face their issues and short-comings in a relationship have more chances to stay together.
But couples who are scared to face their issues away face the same issues and misunderstanding in their relationship because they are just scared to correct them or choose their battles to improve their relationship lifestyle
There are some mistakes coupes make that can destroy their relationship if not taken care of.
Here Are 5 Mistakes Couples Should Stop Doing When Having A Fight In Their Relationship
1. Using Gestures That Dismiss Your Partner
No matter the misunderstanding or issues you face with your partner, never dismiss them when they try to talk to you or resolve things. Exhibiting defensive body language such as moving out, turning away from your partner, snubbing them will only make the fight get worse. Other signs like rolling your eyes, sneering is never good to resolve issues after a fight or misunderstanding with your partner.
2. Fighting About More Than One Issue At A Time
You should focus when having an argument with your partner, don’t jump from one issue to another, stick to the issues that cause the misunderstanding. It is natural to want to bring up old fights or past mistakes, but such things will only kill your relationship.
Learn to tackle the issues on the ground that lead to the misunderstanding, don’t tackle different issues at once, it is not healthy for a relationship. Focus on the topic at hand and resist the temptation to argue about other things.
3. Giving Your Partner The Silent Treatment
Many people do this in a relationship, and it is not good. Treating your partner with silent treatment will only hurt your relationship more. Ignoring your partner as if they don’t exist or stop communicating with them because you are angry or want to punish your partner is not a good idea for building a healthy relationship.
It is better you tell your partner to give you time to cool off, you are angry at the moment, then going mute on them without notice. Never give your partner a silent treatment when angry or upset instead. Tell them how you feel in the relationship.
4. Fighting In The Wrong Places
Why will couples fight in public places such as the workplace, parents home, church, market or engaging in a fight on chats, calls when you can meet physically and talk about things positively?
We all understand no relationship is perfect, and at times a disagreement might begin in the wrong place. In such cases, learn to keep mute till you meet face-to-face at home and talk things out.
5. Using Harsh Words.
Never use harsh words on your partner, even when you guys have some misunderstanding. Some harsh words are so hurtful and might take your partner years to forgive and forget. In such cases, your relationship will never be as it used to be…..