HELP!! Evangelism Gone Wrong As Prostitute BRUTALLY Beat Evangelist To Coma For Preaching Repentance To Them
In Lagos State, an evangelist faced severe consequences when a group of sex workers reportedly assaulted him, leaving him unconscious, after he brought his preaching to their brothel.
The 36-year-old evangelist, identified as Mathew from a popular church in Ejigbo, ventured close to the Golden hotel in Ejigbo to deliver his message of repentance and salvation to the women. and their male clients.
He cited the Biblical injunction” Therefore, go and preach to all or any nations, baptizing them within the name of the daddy and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and teaching them to obey everything I even have commanded you” , in sn attempt to urge the prostitutes to listen to him.
Unbeknownst to him, this act would lead to a violent confrontation with the sex workers.
Despite prior warnings to stay away from their premises, the evangelist persisted in his attempts to spread his message.
Eyewitness Theresa Okwudili recounted the incident, explaining that as the evangelist tried to comprehend the situation, an enraged prostitute approached him aggressively, pushing him away.
In her words; ” As he was still trying to comprehend what was going on, another prostitute menacingly advanced towards him and started pushing him away. He was almost pushed to the gutter if not for the timely intervention of passers- by.
Passers- by intervened just in time to prevent him from being pushed into the gutter.
Uchenna Kingsley, another eyewitness residing adjacent to the brothel, offered
insights into the situation. He mentioned that while it wasn’t the
evangelist’s first time preaching in the area, on this occasion, he ventured too close to the brothel’ s premises.
Kingsley suggested that the evangelist may have overstepped his boundaries by knowingly entering what he described as an” unholy zone.”
In his words; That was not the first day he was preaching at that place. But he didn’t use to get so close to the brothel premises as he did on this occasion. To me, I believe he overstepped his boundary because he knew the place was an unholy zone; he should have threaded more carefully”.
Though the incident may sound hilarious, it’s pertinent for Christians to learn from this and know where they tread except on direct leadings of the spirit. Watch Video Of Pastor And Prostitute In
Church Here
(Tori News)